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Understanding Chronic vs Acute Sports Injuries: Dr.Minal Chandra’s Non-Surgical Approach to Sports Injury Treatment

Sports injuries are common occurrences that can disrupt an athlete’s performance and overall well-being. Handling sports injuries can be challenging, but understanding how to address them effectively is crucial. Distinguishing between chronic and acute injuries is crucial for effective treatment and rehabilitation.  

In this guide, we’ll explore these injury types and how Epione and Dr. Minal  Chandra, with their specialized treatment strategies, can help athletes recover,  return to their activities without surgery, and live pain-free so they can continue with daily routines without delay.  

Additionally, we’ll share some tips on how sportspeople can care for themselves to prevent injuries.  

Understanding Chronic and Acute Injuries:  

Acute injuries occur suddenly, like a sprained ankle from a fall, while chronic injuries develop over time due to repetitive stress, such as tendonitis or stress fractures.  

What are some examples of chronic and acute sports injuries?  

There are many other types of acute and chronic sports injuries that athletes may encounter.  

Here are some examples of chronic and acute sports injuries:  

Acute Sports Injuries:  

Ankle Sprain: A sudden twist or turn of the ankle causing stretching or tearing of ligaments.  

Muscle Strain: Overstretching or tearing muscle fibers due to sudden, forceful movement.  

Fractures: Breaks in bones caused by sudden impact or trauma, such as a fall or collision.  

Dislocations: Joint dislocation occurs when the bones in a joint are forced out of their normal position. 

Concussions: Head injuries resulting from a blow to the head, often occurring in contact sports like football or soccer.  

Chronic Sports Injuries:  

Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis): Repetitive stress on the elbow tendons,  commonly seen in tennis players and those who perform repetitive gripping motions.  

Patellar Tendonitis (Jumper’s Knee): Inflammation of the patellar tendon due to repetitive jumping or running activities.  

Shin Splints: Pain along the shinbone caused by overuse, often seen in runners and athletes who engage in high-impact activities.  

Stress Fractures: Hairline cracks in bones caused by repetitive stress, commonly occurring in runners or athletes who participate in high-impact sports.  

Rotator Cuff Tendonitis: Inflammation of the tendons in the shoulder due to repetitive overhead motions, often seen in baseball pitchers and swimmers.  

Each injury requires appropriate management and treatment based on its severity and underlying cause.  

Essential Guidelines for Injury Prevention and Optimal  Performance  

Tips for Sportspeople to Take Care:  

Warm-Up and Cool-Down: Always start with a proper warm-up and end with a cool-down session to prepare your body for exercise and prevent injury.  

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to any signs of discomfort or pain during training and take breaks when needed.  

Cross-Train: Incorporate various activities into your routine to avoid overuse injuries and build strength and flexibility.  

Use Proper Equipment: Ensure that your sports gear and equipment are in good condition and fit properly to reduce the risk of injury.  

Stay Hydrated and Eat Well: Drink plenty of water and maintain a balanced diet to support your body’s recovery and performance. 

What are the Common Sports Injuries Treated by Dr. Minal  Chandra? 

Common sports injuries treated by Dr. Minal Chandra include tennis elbow, meniscal tear of the knee joint, anterior and posterior cruciate ligament injuries, ankle ligament sprain, rotator cuff muscle injury, supraspinatus tear, shoulder joint labrum injury,  muscle cramps and tear, patellar tendinitis, and Achilles tendinitis.  

Dr. Minal Chandra’s Non-Surgical Approach to Sports Injury  Treatment  

New techniques for early recovery from sports injuries include regenerative  therapy, utilizing growth factors from the patient’s own blood to heal muscle tears,  followed by targeted muscle strengthening exercises for accelerated rehabilitation.  Epione, co-founded by Dr. Minal Chandra, pioneers comprehensive non-surgical pain management services in South India, offering quick, painless treatments lasting less than an hour. With a philosophy of “no pain, no surgery, no age limit,” Dr. Minal ensures precise diagnosis and tailored treatment plans, focusing on  non-invasive interventions to minimize downtime and swiftly return patients to their daily routines.

“Recover swiftly, live vibrantly.” – Dr. Minal Chandra. 


Sports injuries can be challenging, but athletes can minimize risk and recover effectively with the proper treatment and self-care practices. Whether you’re dealing with an acute injury or a chronic condition, Epione and Dr. Minal Chandra are here to provide personalized care and support to help you get back to doing what you love. By prioritizing prevention and listening to your body, you can stay healthy and active for years.